Preparation is important

Make sure you know as much as you can about the company so you have sensible and intelligent questions to ask.

Write down and practise possible questions

Writing down and practising your questions will help you remember what they are and will also make them flow in the conversation.

Be honest

Do not lie about your background or skills. You will get caught out.

Talk about specific achievements

Your possible future employer is always interested in the things you have achieved throughout your career. Make sure you discuss this information in your interview.

Body language

Be aware of your body language. Don’t put up a defensive barrier between yourself and the interviewer. Sit up straight, don’t slouch, look alert and interested.

Don’t overpower your interviewer with constant comments, it should be a two way conversation and make sure you only use positive statements.

The crucial first impression

Dress smartly and make sure you’re on time.

Take all your necessary paperwork

Make sure you take all your necessary paperwork with you to your interview and another copy of your resume, just in case.

Be enthusiastic and positive

Don’t overdo it and start getting overexcited but make sure the interviewer is aware you are interested. Don’t criticise any previous employers.

The final impression

Smile, thank them for their time and say that you enjoyed discussing the job with them and you look forward to hearing from them soon.